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This Upcoming Week

ELA:  This past week we started reading Midnight on the River where we have been reviewing reading strategies. Students have been working on meta-cognition, thinking about their thinking, analyzing personal reading strategies they use while silent reading. 

Math: Each class has started reviewing place value and has been introduced to the different components of a math block. Students have been working on note taking skills, independent math work, work on reasoning paragraphs and a montessori material, Albanesi. 

Social Studies: Students have begun looking at the definition of geography and how geography has physical and social aspects among the world. 

Science: Students were informed of all the procedures and expectations for each students science fair project that is due in November. Students have been exploring and experimenting with Newton's First Law of Motion. 


  • Students can expect to have 20-30 minutes of homework approximatly 3-4 nights a week. 

  • Students will be required to complete a book report EVERY month, included with a reading log. A new reading log will be sent home at the start of every month, along with confirmation from their teacher on which book they have chosen to read for the month. 

  •  Check back here for NEW assignments below!

Our Latest Events

Middle School Open House is on Wednesday, September 13, 2017. Join us for open house where each individual teacher will give an introduction of themselves in your child's classroom. Do not miss out on this great opportunity of important information for this upcoming school year. 

September 13, 2017


September 13 - October 13, 2017

NWEA Testing

The fall testing window for NWEA begins this Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. for each sixth grade classroom. Both sixth grade classrooms will be testing for the next two weeks, on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. in their classroom. Please make sure your child gets enough rest the night before and a healthy breakfast that morning. 

Welcome to Our Elementary School

Students will build and cultivate a peaceful world through flexible thinking, self-confidence, collaboration, and a strong academic background.



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